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dementia care at home with a professional carer

How to Make Your Home Safe For Dementia

As Complete Homecare 24, we understand the critical importance of creating a supportive living environment for individuals with dementia. Adapting the living space to meet their needs is not just about safety; it’s about fostering a sense of comfort, enhancing independence, and ensuring the highest quality of life for those affected by this condition.

Creating a Dementia-Friendly Home: An Essential Guide

The journey of dementia is challenging, not just for the individuals directly experiencing it but also for their families and caregivers. One of the most effective ways to support their journey is by thoughtfully adapting their living environment. This encompasses a broad range of adjustments, from simple modifications that enhance safety to more comprehensive changes aimed at reducing confusion and promoting ease of navigation within their own homes.

Why Adapt the Living Environment?

For individuals with dementia, familiar surroundings can play a significant role in their overall well-being. The familiarity of a home setting can be comforting, providing a stable backdrop against the changes they are experiencing. However, as dementia progresses, so does the need for a safer, more dementia-friendly environment. This involves creating spaces that are not only safe but also conducive to promoting independence and reducing the stress and anxiety that can accompany cognitive decline.

Enhancing Safety, Comfort, and Independence

Safety is paramount, but so is the comfort and ability of individuals with dementia to navigate their daily lives with dignity. The goal of adapting the home environment is to strike a balance between these essential elements. By doing so, we can help mitigate the risk of falls, reduce the potential for confusion, and enable those with dementia to engage more fully in their daily routines and activities.

In this introduction, we’ve touched upon the foundational reasons why creating a dementia-friendly home is critical. As we move forward, we will delve into specific strategies and modifications that can make a significant difference in the lives of those living with dementia. From improving lighting and reducing excess noise to ensuring the home is easy to navigate and free from hazards, our guide aims to provide you with actionable insights to create a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment for your loved one.

Stay tuned as we explore these topics in detail, offering practical advice and recommendations to help you transform your home into a haven of safety and comfort for those affected by dementia.


Enhancing Lighting and Visibility

The Importance of Lighting in Dementia Care

For individuals living with dementia, maintaining a well-lit environment is crucial for several reasons. Bright, even, and natural lighting has been recognized by healthcare professionals, including the NHS, as essential in reducing confusion and minimising the risk of falls, two common concerns for those affected by dementia. Proper lighting can significantly enhance spatial awareness and visual perception, thereby contributing to a safer and more comfortable living space.

Strategies to Increase Natural Light

Increasing natural light within the home not only improves visibility but also has positive effects on mood and circadian rhythms, which can benefit sleep patterns and overall well-being. Here are some strategies to enhance the amount of natural light in a dementia-friendly home:

  • Maximise Daylight: Keep curtains and blinds open during the day to allow as much natural light as possible to enter the room. Consider trimming hedges or branches that may block sunlight from windows.
  • Strategic Mirror Placement: Use mirrors to reflect natural light into darker areas of the home, making spaces feel brighter and more open.
  • Choose Light Colours: Decorate with light-coloured walls and furnishings, which can help reflect light throughout the rooms, making them appear brighter.

Ensuring Night-time Safety

While it’s important to maximise natural light during the day, ensuring safety at night is equally vital. Here are several approaches to maintain visibility and orientation during the darker hours:

  • Install Motion-Sensor Lights: Place these in key areas such as hallways, bathrooms, and beside the bed to automatically illuminate paths when movement is detected.
  • Night Lights: These can provide a soft glow that helps guide the way without disrupting sleep patterns. Consider using them in bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens.
  • Accessible Light Switches: Ensure light switches are easy to find and operate. Consider labelling them with large, easy-to-read print or using smart home devices that allow for voice-activated controls.

Adjusting for Glare and Shadows

Reducing glare and shadows is important to prevent misperceptions and visual confusion. Use diffused lighting fixtures rather than direct sources of light, which can create harsh shadows or glare spots. Adjustable window coverings that allow for controlling the amount of direct sunlight entering the room can also be helpful in managing glare throughout the day.

By implementing these lighting strategies, you can create an environment that not only enhances safety and reduces the risk of falls but also promotes a sense of well-being and independence for individuals with dementia. A well-thought-out lighting plan is a cornerstone of a dementia-friendly home, contributing significantly to the quality of life for those affected by this condition.


Minimising Noise Distraction

Creating a dementia-friendly home involves more than just addressing the visual aspects; it’s also crucial to consider the auditory environment. For individuals with dementia, minimising noise distraction is essential for maintaining a comfortable and stress-free living space. The NHS highlights the importance of using carpets, cushions, and curtains to absorb background noise, which can be particularly beneficial for those with dementia.

Absorbing Background Noise

Background noise, such as the hum of appliances, street traffic, or even the sound of television and radio, can be confusing or distressing for someone with dementia. It can also interfere with their ability to focus on conversations or tasks at hand. Carpets, cushions, and curtains play a vital role in dampening these sounds, creating a quieter, more serene environment. Here’s how each contributes to minimising noise distraction:

  • Carpets: Installing carpets or large rugs can significantly reduce the amount of noise that echoes through the home. Hard surfaces like wood or tile tend to amplify sounds, while carpeting absorbs them, making the space quieter and more comfortable.
  • Cushions and Soft Furnishings: Cushions, upholstered furniture, and other soft furnishings can help absorb sound within a room. Not only do they contribute to a cosy aesthetic, but they also reduce the reverberation of noise, making it easier for individuals with dementia to relax and communicate.
  • Curtains: Heavy curtains can help dampen sounds from outside, such as traffic or neighbours. They can also be used to soften noise from within the house, contributing to a calmer environment. Choosing curtains made from thick, heavy materials can maximise their noise-reducing effectiveness.

Creating a Quiet Space

In addition to these strategies, it’s helpful to designate a quiet space within the home where the individual with dementia can go to escape from overwhelming noise. This area should be equipped with comfortable seating and minimal electronic distractions, providing a sanctuary for relaxation and peace.

Regular Auditory Assessments

It’s also important to ensure that any hearing aids are functioning correctly and that the home’s auditory environment is regularly assessed for potential improvements. Keeping the volume of televisions and radios at a comfortable level and turning them off when not in use can further contribute to reducing background noise.

By attentively managing the auditory environment through strategic use of carpets, cushions, curtains, and creating quiet spaces, caregivers can significantly enhance the living conditions for individuals with dementia. These adjustments help in making the home a safe, comfortable haven, supporting their well-being and quality of life.


Safe and Accessible Flooring

Creating a dementia-friendly environment necessitates attention to every detail, including the choice of flooring. The NHS stresses the importance of selecting appropriate flooring to prevent trips and falls, common risks for individuals with dementia. Here are recommendations for ensuring that flooring is safe and accessible:

  • Avoid Rugs and Mats: Rugs and mats can pose tripping hazards for individuals with dementia, who may not perceive them as flat objects. It’s advisable to either remove these or secure them firmly to the floor with non-slip backing.
  • Opt for Non-Reflective, Matte Finishes: Shiny or reflective flooring can create illusions of wetness or unevenness, which might confuse or scare someone with dementia, potentially leading to falls. Choosing matte finishes helps eliminate this risk by providing a consistent appearance that is easier for individuals with dementia to navigate.
  • Use Contrast-Colored Flooring: Flooring that contrasts in colour with walls and furniture can help individuals with dementia distinguish different surfaces better, aiding in safer movement around the home. This contrast can be particularly helpful in areas that transition from one type of flooring to another, making it clear where one surface ends and another begins.
  • Consistent Flooring Throughout: To minimise confusion and the risk of falls, it’s beneficial to use the same type of flooring throughout the home. Sudden changes in colour, texture, or pattern can be perceived as barriers or steps, even where none exist.
  • Ensure Proper Lighting: In conjunction with safe flooring choices, ensure that areas are well-lit to improve visibility and navigation. Adequate lighting is crucial for safely moving through spaces, especially in areas where there are natural transitions in the flooring.

By implementing these flooring recommendations, caregivers can significantly enhance the safety and accessibility of the home for individuals with dementia. These measures not only help prevent falls but also contribute to a more comfortable and navigable living environment, supporting the independence and well-being of those affected by dementia.


Simplifying the Kitchen

Creating a dementia-friendly kitchen involves organising and adapting the space to enhance safety and ease of navigation:

  • Clear Labelling: Use labels with large, clear text and pictures on cupboards and drawers to indicate their contents. This helps individuals easily locate items they need.
  • Adaptive Equipment: Incorporate tools designed for easier use by those with cognitive challenges, such as utensils with large handles, non-slip mats, and automatic shut-off appliances to enhance safety.
  • Organised and Accessible Storage: Keep commonly used items within easy reach and consider open shelving or see-through cabinet doors to minimise confusion.
  • Safety Modifications: Install safety devices such as stove guards, lockable cabinets for dangerous items, and consider using appliances that automatically shut off to prevent accidents.

Living Room Safety

Ensuring the living room is a safe and comfortable environment involves:

  • Furniture Placement: Arrange furniture to create clear pathways, reducing the risk of trips and falls. Use sturdy furniture that offers good support and is easy to get in and out of.
  • Clutter-Free Space: Keep the living area free of clutter, securing cords and rugs to the floor to prevent tripping hazards.
  • Adequate Lighting: Ensure the room is well-lit, with easy access to switches and lamps. Consider using motion-sensor lights for better navigation.
  • Personalised Space: Include familiar and favourite items to make the space more comforting and recognizable, such as photos, keepsakes, and comfortable blankets.

Bedroom and Sleep Environment

A well-prepared bedroom can significantly impact the quality of sleep and overall safety:

  • Easy Navigation: Keep the bedroom layout simple and consistent, with a clear path to the bathroom to reduce confusion at night.
  • Appropriate Bedding: Use bedding that is easy to manage, and consider adjustable beds that make it easier to get in and out of bed.
  • Night Lighting: Use soft night lights or motion-activated lights to help guide the way during night time wake-ups without being too disruptive to sleep.
  • Safety Features: Install grab bars where necessary, and ensure any mats or rugs are securely fixed to the floor. Consider using sensor mats for those who may wander at night.

These sections aim to provide a starting point for making homes more dementia-friendly. By addressing the specific needs of each room, caregivers can create a safer, more supportive environment that promotes independence and well-being for individuals with dementia.


Bathroom Safety Enhancements

Key Modifications for a Dementia-Friendly Bathroom:

  • High-Contrast Toilet Seats: Installing toilet seats in a colour that strongly contrasts with the rest of the toilet and the bathroom flooring can help individuals with dementia distinguish it more easily, reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Grab Rails: Strategically placed grab rails in the shower, beside the toilet, and along the walls can provide crucial support for moving around the bathroom safely. These aids are essential for preventing falls and assisting with mobility.
  • Non-slip Mats: Use non-slip mats in the shower and beside the bath to prevent slipping on wet surfaces, a common hazard in bathrooms.
  • Clear Signage: Simple, clear signs indicating the function of various bathroom fixtures can aid navigation and use, especially for faucets and shower controls.

 Utilising Technology and Assistive Devices

Leveraging Technology for Independence and Safety:

  • Clocks with Large Displays: Clocks featuring large, easy-to-read displays can help individuals with dementia keep track of time and maintain their daily routine, offering both comfort and a sense of control.
  • Telephones with Big Buttons: Phones designed with large, clearly labelled buttons simplify communication, making it easier for those with cognitive challenges to stay in touch with family, friends, and caregivers.
  • Reminder Devices: Devices that can be programmed to remind individuals to take medication, attend appointments, or perform daily tasks can significantly 

Outdoor Safety

Creating a Safe and Enjoyable Outdoor Environment:

  • Secure Fencing: Proper fencing is crucial to ensure safety in outdoor areas, preventing wandering and ensuring individuals can enjoy the outdoors without the risk of getting lost.
  • Easy-to-Navigate Paths: Paths should be smooth, wide, and free of obstacles to accommodate mobility aids and reduce the risk of trips and falls. Consideration should also be given to the visual contrast and tactile qualities of path materials to aid navigation.
  • Raised Flower Beds: For those who enjoy gardening, raised flower beds can make this activity accessible and enjoyable, encouraging engagement with the outdoors while minimising the need to bend or kneel.

These enhancements and modifications throughout the home and its surroundings are not just about safety; they’re about enriching the lives of individuals with dementia, providing them with the support they need to live as independently as possible. By carefully considering each aspect of the living environment and employing technology and design principles thoughtfully, caregivers can create spaces that are both nurturing and empowering for loved ones with dementia.


As we conclude our comprehensive guide to creating a safer, more dementia-friendly home, it’s clear that the well-being of individuals with dementia deeply intertwines with their living environment. By making thoughtful adjustments in lighting, noise levels, flooring, and utilising assistive technologies, we can significantly enhance their quality of life, ensuring comfort, safety, and a greater degree of independence.

At Complete Homecare 24, we are dedicated to supporting families and individuals navigating the challenges of dementia. Our approach is rooted in understanding and responding to the unique needs of each person we care for, with a commitment to providing versatile, patient-first in-home care. Our bespoke care plans are designed to address a wide range of needs, from palliative care to support for those with learning disabilities and brain diseases such as dementia.

If you’re in Northern Ireland and are considering in-home care for yourself or a loved one, now might be the perfect time to explore how Complete Homecare 24 can assist you. Our team of compassionate in-home carers is ready to discuss your needs and work with you to create a care plan that best fits your individual situation.

Contact Us Today:

  • To discuss how we can support you or your loved one, please give us a call at 02838 562190 or email us at info@completehomecare24.com. Our team is here to provide the information and support you need to make the best decision for your care needs.

Join Our Team:

  • Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of others? We’re always looking for dedicated individuals to join our team of in-home carers across Northern Ireland. If you’re interested in joining our team, please reach out to us. We would love to hear from you and discuss the opportunities available.

At Complete Homecare 24, your well-being is our priority. Let us help you navigate the journey of dementia care with compassion, expertise, and a personalised touch that makes all the difference.

Together, we can create a nurturing environment that supports the independence and dignity of those living with dementia.



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