When it comes to finding home care for dementia, it is important that the best care possible is supplied for your loved ones. Dementia is a cruel disease that affects over 900,000 people in the UK. So, once your loved one has been diagnosed and requires full-time care, dementia care plans can help both the family and the in-home carer.
So, check out these suggestions on how to plan your dementia home care for your loved one.
Do They Require Personal Care Services?
Dementia patients, depending on the severity of the condition, may become incapable of performing their own personal hygiene. Even to the extent that they will not be able to remember looking after themselves, including bathing and brushing their teeth.
So, if a patient’s dementia has deteriorated, it’s important to establish the capabilities for the in-home dementia carer to incorporate into their bespoke plans. In the caring plan, ensure it states whether they are able to dress and bathe themselves and if they can go to the toilet alone. If not, then this will have to be factored into the dementia home care plan.
What’s Their Personality Like?
Though dementia affects a person’s well-being and the way they respond to situations, it can also change their normal personality and make them lash out at their loved ones. However, this is not them. It’s the disease. For in-home carers, they are only meeting the patient for the first time as the state worsens. So, it’s important within home care for dementia, that the person and their personality are remembered and are catered for with bespoke care plans.
Make sure to include within plans what they once were like. Were they introverts? Extroverts? What are their likes and dislikes? Or their biggest accomplishments? Incorporating these in dementia care plans may help the person feel more like themselves and help them remember certain key moments of their life.
Their Cognitive Ability
Dementia affects the cognitive functioning of the central nervous system, including how a person thinks, remembers and reasons. This can lead to violent and emotional outbursts in high-tension moments.
Within home care for dementia, it should be stated their cognitive ability in plans. State how the level of reason they have during both high and low moments. Whether they remember and can learn from the experience. This will depend on the person, their surroundings and level of severity. So, it’s important to find in-home carers that can tailor plans to them specifically.
When Are They the Highest and Lowest During the Day?
This may change depending on the day. However, if you can monitor when they feel the lowest and the most comfortable, this can help in-home carers create bespoke home care for dementia plans.
Dementia Care Near Me
At Complete Homecare 24, our family-run company provides various tailored and personalised home care services, including caring for dementia at home. Our bespoke home care for dementia plans put the patient first. Ensure your loved ones are receiving the best possible care for their conditions with tailored plans.
You can find out more about dementia and how to support those suffering from the disease with charities like Dementia UK and Alzheimer’s Society.
For more information on our home care services, give us a call on 07955 460 847. Or, follow us on Instagram and see what we do directly on your feed.