We understand how frustrating it is watching your loved ones suffer in day-to-day life. Adults with learning difficulties may require 24-hour care, depending on the severity of their condition. Yet, how do you properly care for the individual in a way that is beneficial for all?
At Complete Homecare, we offer services to care for adults with learning difficulties. Our tailored care plans are specific to the patient and accommodate them throughout. Check out this helpful list on how to care for adults with common learning disabilities here.
Needs Assessment
When it comes to adults with learning difficulties, there are long lists of scopes and spectrums that determine whether care is required. Some individuals will be able to properly look after themselves, however, others may not be able to perform personal care and suffer without help. This can be extremely upsetting for not just the individual in question, but also their loved ones. So, when is care necessary?
Your local council provides a “needs assessment” which will evaluate the situation and determine whether care is required. This could range from equipment (walking aids or alarm systems), home changes (sit-down shower), daycare for a child and caring facilities. You will be expected to pay for any social care, however, there is also a financial evaluation afterwards that will dictate whether the council will help with any of the costs. Find out more information on the NHS website.
Makaton is one of the UK’s leading styles of communication and it is said that over 100,000 children and adults use the symbols and signs, either as the main method of communicating or to support their speech. Certain adults with learning difficulties may benefit from the inclusion of Makaton in their caring routines, especially for those who have poor literacy skills and those who have difficulty understanding concepts.
Common learning difficulties, such as autism and Down syndrome can affect the way an adult communicates and express themselves to loved ones and carers. Which can be frustrating and feel like they are losing their independence.
Makaton, however, can aid with communication and let adults with learning difficulties properly convey their emotions; ensuring that the caring routine that is in place is efficiently working.
The Right Carer
It can be difficult and sometimes frustrating caring for an adult with learning difficulties; not just for the carer but the individual also. The relationship is key. Without the right carer that the adult trusts, how can they live their life to the fullest and properly communicate.
At Complete Homecare, all our carers are specifically chosen for each of our patients. It’s not just a case of looking at a rotor and seeing who is available. In the early stages, we will perform our own assessments and reviews, checking the patient’s needs and asking what they want from their carer. From this, our chosen carer will then get to know them and ensure that the relationship will run smoothly. We also monitor the progress. So that if for whatever reason it isn’t working, a new carer can take over.
Complete Homecare 24
Here at Complete Homecare, we are a family-run company that offers tailored and personal care services for our patients. Find out more about our services here.
Those who are needing assistance deserve to live their life on their own terms; feeling as comfortable as they possibly can. All while not giving up their independence that can happen when transferring to residential care homes. You want the best for your loved ones, including adults with learning difficulties. Look no further than Complete Homecare 24!
For information on our services, give us a call on 07955 460 847. Or, follow us on Instagram and see what we do directly to your feed.
1 Comment
Symptoms of Adults With Learning Difficulties To Know About
17 November 2022[…] in how the brain processes, stores, and conveys information. At a glance, noticing symptoms in adults with learning difficulties can be relatively apparent. However, there are many symptoms that are less distinct and uncommon. […]